Monday, April 18, 2011

entries from my Tamil Nadu trip: Day 1-9 Feb 2011

I wanted to write about my Tamil Nadu trip in detail here but alas, I lack the motivation. Instead, I will copy word for word entries from my travel journal onto here. I won't do every day, since some entries are kind of private or contain sensitive issues pertaining to other people. Today I start with...the first day of my trip in Tamil Nadu, Feb 9, 2011.


9 Feb 8.30pm (Wed)
I've finally arrived in Chennai, checked into DakshinaChitra & finalized courses arrangement at Institute of Asian Studies. Now I'm sitting in my room in D.C., writing my entry, trying to wind down after a somewhat chaotic day.

Touching down at Chennai International Airport, I bought a ticket for Muttukadu, Rs. 590. Cheaper than I thought. Walked out, one guy tried to take me to his taxi before the rest. He looked fishy, and so I glanced around. The other drivers got mad & a quarrel ensued. In the end, I was asked to follow the 'proper' guy.

The vehicle was so old & run down, the only thing that seemed decent was the seats. My driver was a young man who sported a bushy moustache. Soon I will realize that almost every one of thse tAmi Nadu guys have a moustache. It must be THEIR thing! He had a statue of Mother Mary, Ganesh and 笑佛 on his dashboard. The hood of his bonnet adorned a narrow shilef/plate. The car looked like it could break down anytime, but it didn't. In fact, after seeing the way he drove his car, I came to believe that his car must be in a very reliable condition. Else where had he the courage to change lanes w/o checking, slip betw. cars like a bike, gives a new dimension to the term 'bumper to bumper', if he wasn't 100% sure of his car performing on par? They love to sound their horns, almost every 3 sec as if worried if the horn failed the zillion times before. Some cars even have 'Sound your horn' written on their back!

Wow, I'm so tired. Guess I will write more tmr.




  1. Lack of motivation sucks, man! Maybe, if you keep reminding yourself of your own goals, you'll feel more motivated. I met a guy who wrote his goals in a small piece of paper and put it in his wallet as a reminder. I thought it was a great idea! he's extremely motivated.

  2. on a small piece*

  3. heheh...I wrote a lot of stuff in my travel journal, too much for me to actually write up here. putting pictures is one thing, writing it up to convey the same feelings I had is another (much more challenging).

    and actually, I have talked about the same stories many times now to my friends and family (in person here in Msia la) that I am a bit sien to repeat them again...haha....that's a lesson learned!

    yeah, writing small notes to remind yourself is a good move. Some people tattoo it onto their body, what about that?

    e.g., a tattoo can be
    'Don't ever get a tattoo'.

    great huh? haha.
