Saturday, October 23, 2010

Humbling and be a man or a lamer?

1. Over the past few weeks of travel, I have met two of mom's friends from her high school days and from her early career. We slept at their places, and I had the chance to browse over the books and certificates of their children. They, as every other parents in their shoes would act, told us about their children's education and careers. Their children are awesome, really.
1.1. I feel very happy going over their books and certificates. Even though I have never met them, I felt a strange connection with them. Looking at their pictures, reading their books and sleeping in their beds probably have such an effect.
1.2. I like meeting high achievers who are happy. (These children look happy from their pictures.) I always feel humbled and motivated after learning about these people.
1.3. For reasons unexplained, I feel like meeting their children in person. I hope we will meet one day.

2. There's this girl whom I find very attractive and charming. I have no idea if she has a boyfriend or not, or even if she's married or not (or if she even like guys in a romantic way). If I were to stay here for two more years at least, I would make a move. Now that I am leaving, I wonder if I should be a man and tell her in person, or be a lame romantic and tell her via a card, or be a lame lamer by saying through email.
2.1. If you like someone, you should let that person know. Let him/her know, doesn't mean that you need to take action, but at least let him/her know. It's flattering for that person to know. I know, because I have always wanted people to tell me they like me hahaha.

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